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When consumed in moderation, 100% orange juice can fit with any weight loss or weight maintenance diet

Concern and confusion about the nutrition of 100% orange juice, as raised in recent news coverage, is one of several factors that can be attributed to the decline of OJ consumption.  However, there is a body of evidence that has shown that when consumed in moderation, 100% orange juice can fit with any weight loss or weight maintenance diet. In fact, a new study provides evidence that consumption of 100 percent fruit juice, such as 100% orange juice, was not associated with weight gain in children over the age of 6.  While 100% orange juice does contain naturally occurring sugar, it also packs a lot of important nutrients and can be part of a healthy lifestyle in moderation, even for those with metabolic syndrome and diabetes.

While the sales of 100% orange juice are declining along with the amount of orange juice produced in the U.S. as a result of citrus greening, an incurable bacterial disease impacting the health and fruit production of citrus trees, one fact remains – consumers are drinking every drop of the 100% orange juice that is being produced.


Auerbach BJ, Wolf FM, Hikida A, Vallila-Buchman P, Littman A, Thompson D, Louden D, Taber DR, Krieger J. Fruit juice and change in BMI: A meta-analysis. Pediatrics. 2017;139(4);e20162454. Published online March 23, 2017.