Who We Are

An executive agency of Florida tasked with the promotion, protection and regulation of the Florida Citrus industry based in Bartow, Florida.
About the FDOC
The Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) is an executive agency of Florida government charged with the marketing, research and regulation of the Florida citrus industry. Its activities are funded by an assessment paid by growers on each box of citrus that moves through commercial channels. The industry employs 33,000 people, provides an annual economic impact of $6.9 billion to the state, and contributes hundreds of millions of dollars in tax revenues that help support Florida’s schools, roads and health care services.
The FDOC also has extensive regulatory responsibilities, covering every aspect of the industry, including research, production, maturity standards, licensing, transportation, labeling, packing and processing.
The FDOC is governed by the Florida Citrus Commission, an eleven-member board appointed by the Governor of Florida to represent citrus growers, processors and packers.