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Tea Tips for Cold & Flu

green bar

Sooth your throat and your symptoms this cold and flu season with our refreshing Florida Orange Juice teas. Our teas are filled with beneficial nutrients, such as vitamin C and potassium, which can all help increase your nutrient intake while keeping you hydrated

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Florida OJ Jasmine Tea

Florida OJ Jasmine Tea combines 100% orange juice and jasmine tea which both contain inflammatory and antioxidant properties that may help support your immune system this cold and flu season.

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Florida Orange Spice Tea

When your family drinks Florida Orange Spiced Tea you are receiving the amazing benefits of Florida OJ like vitamin C, which may help support a healthier immune system.

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Florida Orange Ginger Green Tea

When you drink Florida Orange Ginger Green Tea your family is not only receiving vitamin C from Florida OJ but also amino acids from green tea.

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Orange Earl Grey Tea

Orange Earl Grey Tea may help support your family’s immune system function this cold and flu season because of earl grey tea’s bergamot substance.

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Orange Spiced Green Tea

Orange Spiced Green Tea provides you with the energy you need to get through your busy schedules, because of key nutrients like vitamin C found in both green tea and Florida OJ.

Black Tea OJ Popsicles

Homemade Black Tea Orange Juice Popsicles

Homemade Black Tea Orange Juice Popsicles is a tasty treat for the family, that also contains flavonoid properties that may support your family’s heart health.