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Skin Health

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Florida Oranges can help keep your skin hydrated while providing nutrients such as vitamin C and colorful plant pigments called carotenoids which may help maintain a youthful glow.

Healthy Skin and Florida Orange Juice

Florida Orange Juice doesn’t only hydrate you and your skin, it also contains many vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients (naturally occurring plant compounds) that directly and indirectly affect skin health.

How does 100% Orange Juice Help Your Skin?

100% orange juice is a wonderful way to help maintain healthy skin. A glass of orange juice can help to keep your skin hydrated while providing nutrients such as vitamin C and colorful plant pigments called carotenoids which may help maintain a youthful glow.

Vitamins That Are Good for Your Skin

Vitamin C– This nutrient helps promote healthy skin by supporting collagen production, which helps maintain elasticity and works against premature aging.1

Carotenoids – Another important source of antioxidants, carotenoids like beta-carotene can help neutralize free radicals that can otherwise damage your skin.2-4

Fluids – Proper hydration of skin is important for maintaining resilience and preventing wrinkles.5

Eating the recommended amount of fruit everyday can be a challenge with life’s busy schedules, but you can conveniently get your daily serving of fruit by drinking a refreshing glass of Florida Orange Juice!

Proper vitamin C intake can help you maintain healthy skin. Just 8 ounces of Florida Orange Juice is an excellent source of vitamin C providing more than 100% of the Daily Value!*

Detailed Nutrition Information

Vitamin C helps support connective tissues by creating the building blocks of mature and functional collagen.6 Collagen is required to maintain healthy skin, gums and other tissue. Collagen breakdown in the skin may lead to the appearance of premature aging.4

Vitamin C deactivates free radicals in the skin providing photoprotection against sunburn and premature aging.1 Vitamin C also decreases melanin production, thereby providing natural depigmentation of the skin.1 Vitamin C is also critical for wound healing.7 Exposure to sunlight and environmental pollution dramatically reduces vitamin C levels in the center layers of the skin1 which affects these benefits.

Carotenoids have been studied for their skin health benefits as they are stored in the fat layer under the skin. They have been shown to protect against sunburn2-3 and premature aging of the skin.4 Consuming orange juice regularly has been shown to increase carotenoid levels in the skin.8

Water is critical for skin health by assisting in5-7:

  • Turgor (firmness of cells)
  • Perfusion (passage of fluids such as oxygenated blood into the cell)
  • Oxygenation

In a recent clinical study,4 a prescribed water intake of 2L/day improved surface and deep skin hydration at 15 and 30 days in adult females with lower habitual water intake. Researchers also observed several positive effects of skin elasticity and extensibility in various areas of the body, including the face. Females with higher habitual water intake did not have changes in skin hydration, suggesting that adequate water intake plays a role in skin plasticity and hydration in layers of the skin.

In a study comparing hydration effects of different beverages, 100% orange juice was ranked as having a higher rehydration index compared to water and sports drinks; orange juice was also higher in several markers of hydration, similar to oral rehydration solutions and milk, at two to three hours post-consumption.9

*Values based on a 2000 calorie diet. FDA rounding rules applied when calculating percent DV based upon 2018 rules. Information is not intended for labeling food in packaged form. Nutrient values may vary based on brand or product types.